I borrowed the title to my "way past due" latest blog entry from the song "Far Cry" from Rush's latest studio album "Snakes and Arrows". I resonate with that lyric for many reasons, but what really struck me about it is that "... the world we thought we'd inherit", once you "get it" is so incredibly better from was taught to us growing up in our schools, our churches or even our families. What I mean by "get it" is what is known as satori which means "instant awakening". It's that moment when life changes and becomes meaningful. It's when you hear that internal voice of God speaking to you, that voice which says you are independent of the good or bad opinion of others, that voice that says you are one with the Source of all things and therefore likened to God. The realization you are created in His image is your awareness. You know that you are not what you do because when you don't you're not. You discover that no matter where you are in life, what has happened in your life up to now, was all necessary and perfect to make you who you are, in this present moment. It's like "hello... I get it!"
When you really get that you no longer have to be the victim and buy into all the negativity that's broadcast over the public airwaves, published in newspapers and now transmitted via the Internet, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the creator of your life. You write, direct and produce each moment of your life with Divine connectedness to Source.
Back to the lyric from Rush... "it's a far cry from the world we thought we'd inherit" - when I first heard that lyric I was like... "Wow... that is so perfect!" Thank you Neil Peart for being inspired to write those words and thank you God for helping me help others in discovering that life truly is a far cry from the world we thought we'd inherit. Remembering your Spirit and your connection to Source is a daily choice which establishes you as a co-creator of your life. What you think about expands and once you get it, you become more careful of what you spend your time thinking about. You can choose to live in a world of doubt, fear, pain, sorrow, hatred, grief, guilt and all those low vibrational energies, but if you choose to focus and meditate on a life of peace, love, joy, gratitude, giving, good and God, the Universe begins to answer "YES and soon after your life begins to align with those higher vibrations of love and peace and takes on a delicious new hue of peace and contentment. Life really does get better when you choose to make it better and life is a far cry from the world we thought we'd inherit the moment you "get it"!
On a side note regarding Rush, (only the all-time most incredible rock trio ever) I got to take my 11 year old son, Aaron to see them on their Snakes and Arrows tour when they rolled through Dallas in August. It was so very cool to be there with the 18,000 other "40 and 50 something" fans and their kids. What a far cry from the first time I saw them in 1980 - 27 years earlier when I was 15.
"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more
Another chance at victory, another chance to score" -- Neil Peart (from Rush Vapor Trails)
Sending you all green lights...
Sending you all green lights...